MindsDB Employees

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MindsDB Company Information

MindsDB, a participant in the Y-Combinator W20 batch, operates from San Francisco, CA, and London, UK, serving clients across various regions including the United States, United Kingdom, America/Canada, Europe, and remotely. The company, with a team of 24, focuses on providing an AI Development Cloud Platform that facilitates real-time AI and ML deployment and management. MindsDB offers a suite of features for AI development, including integrations with AI engines, data sources, apps, and supports over 150 platform integrations. It enables capabilities such as continuous fine-tuning of AI models, customizable AI agents, semantic search, and in-database text processing for applications like sentiment analysis. The platform is notable for its over 120k Docker deployments and strong community engagement evidenced by over 19k GitHub stargazers and more than 700 open-source contributors. MindsDB actively engages with its community through a blog, a newsletter, community calls, and events like the ‘Hackerminds AI App Challenge’ hackathon. Additionally, the company offers enterprise solutions with customizable terms, maintains a presence on multiple social media platforms, and provides various resources including support, documentation, and case studies to assist users in leveraging AI technologies effectively.

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1391 candidates analyzed about 7 hours ago
1311 candidates analyzed about 8 hours ago
1339 candidates analyzed 11 days ago
1265 candidates analyzed 11 days ago
1295 candidates analyzed 11 days ago
1255 candidates analyzed 18 days ago
1277 candidates analyzed 19 days ago
1270 candidates analyzed 20 days ago
1311 candidates analyzed 20 days ago
1342 candidates analyzed 22 days ago
1303 candidates analyzed about 1 month ago
1276 candidates analyzed about 1 month ago
1466 candidates analyzed about 1 month ago
1496 candidates analyzed about 1 month ago
1397 candidates analyzed about 8 hours ago
1411 candidates analyzed 1 day ago
1302 candidates analyzed 1 day ago
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