Descartes Labs

Descartes Labs Employees

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Descartes Labs Company Information

Descartes Labs specializes in delivering AI-driven insights derived from Earth’s data to solve complex global problems across industries such as mining, consumer goods, climate solutions, and government. The company offers a range of products including Marigold, Iris, Market Insights, Mine Restoration, Deforestation, Carbon Tracking, and a Geospatial Platform that simplifies the analysis of global-scale raster data. Utilizing advanced remote sensing technology combined with machine learning and artificial intelligence, Descartes Labs provides services such as mineral exploration, deformation monitoring, commodity forecasting, and ecological monitoring. Their deforestation monitoring and carbon tracking services ensure supply chain sustainability through a multi-model approach for higher quality detections. The company also offers a Mine Site Ecological Index to track sustainability and restoration metrics of mine sites, and Market Insights for commodity price forecasting and market intelligence. Descartes Labs’ Carbon Analytics service assesses forest carbon globally using remote sensing and deep learning technology, while their Biodiversity Analysis Toolkit measures risk, verifies compliance, and understands ecological footprints. The company partners with AWS to deliver cloud-based supercomputing for geospatial analytics and provides a Python client library for accessing their systems. Descartes Labs Government, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary, focuses on government-specific solutions. The company offers a scalable AI and ML modeling backend for geospatial analytics, interactive visualizations with AI-powered dashboards and charts, and a comprehensive data catalog with petabytes of normalized and interoperable geospatial data. Their automated data processing capabilities clean, preprocess, and transform massive amounts of data, enabling predictive modeling to anticipate future trends and make data-driven decisions.

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1370 candidates analyzed 5 days ago
1184 candidates analyzed 7 days ago
1421 candidates analyzed 8 days ago
1413 candidates analyzed 8 days ago
1373 candidates analyzed 8 days ago
1339 candidates analyzed 11 days ago
1311 candidates analyzed 20 days ago
1320 candidates analyzed 20 days ago
1309 candidates analyzed 25 days ago
1297 candidates analyzed 26 days ago
1308 candidates analyzed 29 days ago
1397 candidates analyzed about 8 hours ago
1453 candidates analyzed about 14 hours ago
1387 candidates analyzed 1 day ago
1411 candidates analyzed 1 day ago
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