Trend Hunter

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Trend Hunter Company Information

Trend Hunter is a comprehensive platform that provides a vast database of over 464,755 ideas and innovations. It offers AI-powered Trend Reports, relied upon by 1,256 brands, and features a variety of categories including AI, Tech, Life, Culture, Design, Ads, Business, Eco, Good, Luxury, Fashion, and Bizarre. The platform includes a PRO Dashboard with 10,612 premium-member insights and over 10,000 trackable topics. Trend Hunter’s Future Festival, which includes in-person events and free webinars, is highly regarded by 97% of attendees as ‘the best innovation conference ever.’ The platform also offers custom trend reports, presentations, and deep dives that are 20 times faster than traditional research. Trend Hunter’s Innovation Strategy Awards recognize the best innovation tactics from interviews with notable business leaders, authors, and change makers. Additional resources include custom training, masterclasses, and a 5-day immersive program at the Future Festival World Summit. Trend Hunter’s website attracts an average of 2,000,000 visitors a month, with over 3 billion views to date. The platform’s services include advisory services, innovation assessment, and custom trend reports, all designed to help businesses accelerate innovation and ignite disruptive thinking. Specific categories such as AI, eco, food, tech, games, and health provide insights into the latest developments and trends in their respective fields.

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