
TigerGraph Employees

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TigerGraph Company Information

TigerGraph offers a comprehensive cloud-based graph database-as-a-service, designed to support advanced analytics and machine learning with its robust graph analytics platform. The platform includes GraphStudio, a graphical user interface, GSQL, a graph query language, and a graph data science library, catering to diverse industry needs such as financial services, healthcare, and supply chain analysis. TigerGraph actively engages with its user base through events and webinars that discuss graph technology and its applications. Additionally, the company runs a partner program that provides benefits to organizations offering complementary technology solutions and services. TigerGraph also offers a variety of resources including a resource library, benchmarks, and an O’Reilly book on Graph + ML. The company’s contributions to the field have been recognized with a best paper award at the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases.

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