Mobile Programming

Mobile Programming Employees

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Mobile Programming Company Information

Mobile Programming is a company specializing in mobile app development, IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, AR/VR, big data, DevOps, and blockchain. With over 22 years of experience in application and software development, the company operates in more than 17 locations globally, including the United States, India, Singapore, and Ukraine. The company offers a range of services such as custom app development, digital transformation, enterprise mobility, experience design, IT staff augmentation and consulting, quality assurance, and technology consulting. Mobile Programming provides expertise in metaverse and AR/VR, big data and predictive analytics, blockchain development, cloud computing, chatbot development, Internet of Things, machine learning, progressive web apps, and artificial intelligence. The company claims to be the largest blockchain development company in outsourcing and specializes in blockchain trilemma solutions and Web3 development, including smart contracts with Solidity. They employ the HExA Design Thinking methodology, a human-centric design process, and utilize Agile development methodology to deliver quality-driven digital solutions. Mobile Programming offers IoT solutions for various industries, including automobile and logistics, banking and fintech, education and eLearning, pharma and healthcare, retail and eCommerce, and startups. They provide digital transformation services to help businesses adopt digital channels for higher engagement, efficiency, and profitability. In the pharma and healthcare sector, the company offers innovative technologies such as data analytics, telemedicine, blockchain for electronic health records, connected medical and wearable devices, gamification, health insurance fraud detection, clinical trial apps, and patient communication apps. In retail and eCommerce, they provide robotic process automation, blockchain, omnichannel commerce, Bluetooth beacons, and point of sale solutions. Mobile Programming also offers DevOps as a Service through continuous integration and continuous deployment, and big data and predictive analytics solutions focused on organizing complex datasets into informative dashboards, visualizations, data mining, data modeling, and predicting future outcomes. The company has a strong network of technology partners, including SAP, Apple, and Google, and offers machine learning services such as deep learning, predictive analytics, image analytics, video analytics, natural language processing, and AI models. Additionally, they provide custom digital solutions for education and eLearning, including AR/VR, video conferencing, AI-based learning apps, collaboration tools, and eLearning chatbots.

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1387 candidates analyzed about 20 hours ago
1429 candidates analyzed about 22 hours ago
1392 candidates analyzed about 22 hours ago
1387 candidates analyzed 1 day ago
1391 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1368 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1328 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
569 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1112 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1351 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1335 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1346 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1293 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1394 candidates analyzed 2 days ago
1330 candidates analyzed 8 days ago
1339 candidates analyzed 14 days ago
1190 candidates analyzed 18 days ago
1297 candidates analyzed 28 days ago
1349 candidates analyzed 4 days ago
1387 candidates analyzed 4 days ago
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