Provide me a list of 50 software companies in singapore which are using outsourcing service. expected output: [{{ "company_name": "", "website": "", "is_using_outsourcing_service": yes/no/uncertain/unknown, "accuracy": [percentage], "summary":[summarize about using outsourcing service in 150 words] }}]

Search completed: 3 days ago 1381 candidates analyzed stopped after 7 matches found

Infosistema matches the query because it is a software company that offers various software solutions and services, including those for OutSystems, document digitalization, and enterprise content management. It is based in Singapore and explicitly provides outsourcing and nearshore services for IT projects, which confirms its use of outsourcing services.

IB Systems matches the query because it is a software company that provides various software development services, including outsourcing services. The company is based in Singapore, as inferred from the context of the query and the services it offers. Specific evidence of using outsourcing services is provided in the company facts.

Mobile Programming is a software company that offers a wide range of services including mobile app development, AI, IoT, and blockchain. The company has multiple office locations, including one in Singapore. Additionally, it claims to be the largest blockchain development company in outsourcing, which indicates that it uses outsourcing services.

eBSEG is a software company that provides various digital transformation solutions and platforms. It is based in Singapore and offers outsourcing software development services for the United States, Canada, and Middle Eastern countries. This matches the criteria of being a software company in Singapore that uses outsourcing services.

Theros is a software company that offers various digital solutions, including board management and digital onboarding processes. The company is based in Singapore and utilizes outsourcing services, as evidenced by their provision of nearshore and offshore development services from Portugal and their focus on adapting to evolving client needs through outsourcing.

Sigma Software is a software company that offers a wide range of software development and IT consulting services. The company has an office in Singapore, which confirms its presence in the region. Additionally, Sigma Software is ranked among the world's top 100 outsourcing companies by IAOP, indicating that it uses outsourcing services. Therefore, it meets all the criteria specified in the query.

TechStar Group is a software company that offers a range of digital solutions and professional services, including IT outsourcing. The company is based in Singapore, as evidenced by its operations and partnerships in the region. Additionally, the company explicitly provides IT outsourcing services, which matches the query's requirement for using outsourcing services.

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