Predictive maintenance

Search completed: 4 days ago 1112 candidates analyzed stopped after 170 matches found

Novity is involved in predictive maintenance solutions, uses data analytics, machine learning, and AI to predict equipment failures, and offers services and products that help in maintaining equipment proactively. Specific evidence includes their use of a proprietary combination of Machine Learning and first-principles physics models, their TruPrognostics™ engine, and their various predictive maintenance solutions for different types of industrial equipment.

Advanced Technology Services provides predictive maintenance solutions, uses data analytics and machine learning to predict equipment failures, and offers services and products that help in maintaining equipment proactively.

VIMANA offers predictive maintenance solutions through its VIMANA Maintain and VIMANA Field products. The company uses data analytics, machine learning, and AI to predict equipment failures and provides services that help in maintaining equipment proactively.

Augury is involved in predictive maintenance solutions as it provides AI-driven insights and predictive diagnostics to prevent equipment failure. The company uses data analytics, machine learning, and AI to predict equipment failures and offers products like Auguscope for proactive machine health monitoring.

AssetWatch is involved in predictive maintenance solutions, uses AI and machine learning to predict equipment failures, and offers services that help in maintaining equipment proactively. The company provides continuous monitoring, employs machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies, and offers a cloud-based platform for comprehensive asset health monitoring.


Oden Technologies matches the query 'predictive maintenance' because they offer products like Process AI and Factory Analytics that use data analytics, machine learning, and AI to provide prescriptive process recommendations and predicted outcomes in real-time. These solutions help in maintaining equipment proactively.

MachineMetrics is involved in predictive maintenance solutions, uses data analytics and machine learning to predict equipment failures, and offers services that help in maintaining equipment proactively. The company provides applications specifically for predictive maintenance, integrates high-frequency data collection and analysis, and offers real-time dashboards and analytics for machine performance and condition monitoring.

Grupo Álava offers predictive maintenance solutions and uses data analytics, machine learning, or AI to predict equipment failures. They provide services and products that help in maintaining equipment proactively.

MicroAI offers solutions specifically for predictive maintenance, including machine health monitoring and predictive maintenance methodologies. They use AI and data analytics to provide deep insights into machine and device performance, which aligns with the criteria of using data analytics, machine learning, or AI to predict equipment failures. Additionally, their services and products help in maintaining equipment proactively.

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