Find companies that offer social remarketing

Search completed: 3 days ago 952 candidates analyzed stopped after 3 matches found

Knorex offers a comprehensive advertising management platform that includes social media advertising and has won the 'Best Remarketing Platform' award, indicating that social remarketing is a core service provided by the company.


Perion Network provides a comprehensive social advertising solution integrated with all major social channels and offers a unified platform for managing social advertising campaigns. This indicates that social remarketing is a core service provided by the company.


BIK offers an intelligent marketing platform that helps brands drive ROI with the power of conversations and converts social media conversations into revenues. The platform supports Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp ad campaigns, which are key components of social remarketing. Additionally, BIK's platform features include automation of interactions across channels and intelligent campaigns, indicating that social remarketing is a core service provided by the company.

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