Ai companies that make enterprise software

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TecAce provides a wide range of AI-related services and solutions, including enterprise software solutions such as customer relationship portals, health monitoring services, and retail store analytics. They also offer modular solutions for generative AI applications and custom NLP services, which are indicative of enterprise software solutions. Additionally, their core business involves significant AI components, including deep learning infrastructure and fine-tuning translation models for enterprises.

Blattner Technologies is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their mission to be a leading provider in the AI/ML industry and their development of the Superwise AI Operating System. Additionally, they provide enterprise software solutions through their Superwise platform and other services tailored for various industries.

Nuix is primarily engaged in providing data intelligence and investigative analytics software, which includes AI-enhanced solutions. They offer a range of enterprise software solutions such as eDiscovery, data privacy, fraud investigation, and security. Their use of AI in products like Nuix NLP and their focus on enterprise needs align with the criteria of being an AI company that makes enterprise software.

Datamatics is engaged in artificial intelligence as evidenced by their dedicated R&D center called DataLabs focusing on AI, ML, NLP, Blockchain, and Robotics, and their comprehensive AI platform called TruAI. Additionally, they develop and provide enterprise software solutions such as TruBot (RPA), TruCap+ (IDP), TruBI (Business Intelligence), and various other digital workplace and business intelligence solutions.

JAGGAER is primarily engaged in providing enterprise software solutions, specifically in the procurement domain. The company offers a comprehensive procurement software platform called JAGGAER ONE, which includes various modular solutions for enterprise needs. Additionally, JAGGAER has been recognized in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence and incorporates AI in its procurement transformation solutions, such as advanced supplier selection, automated contract management, smart PO matching, and predictive analytics.

Nanoheal is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their cognitive device experience management platform utilizing AI, Automation, and Analytics. Additionally, they develop and provide enterprise software solutions tailored for Enterprises, Small Businesses, and OEMs & Support Channels, including features like Proactive Remediation, Predictive Self-Healing, Zero-code Automation, Automated ITSM, and Insights & Analytics.

Logient provides AI services such as data, analytics, and business intelligence, and it also develops enterprise software solutions including ERP, CRM, and CMS. Therefore, it matches the criteria of being an AI company that makes enterprise software.


Abacus.AI is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, offering a wide range of AI products and services. Additionally, they provide enterprise software solutions such as a comprehensive MLOps platform, real-time ML feature store, and tools for anomaly detection, forecasting, and automation of business processes.

SparkBeyond is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, offering AI analytics solutions and tools for predictive modeling, natural language processing, and machine learning. Additionally, they provide enterprise software solutions that support business applications such as risk scoring, fraud detection, and customer retention, which are used across various industries.

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