Deliver knowledge graph analytics

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Cognizer offers a Contract Graph that manages contract data and supports multi-hop node analysis and graph algorithms, which indicates they provide services related to knowledge graphs and offer analytics solutions for them.


thatDot provides Quine, an open-source streaming graph, which supports real-time graph analytics and network observability. This indicates that the company offers services related to knowledge graphs and provides analytics solutions for them.


Softensity provides services related to knowledge graphs and offers analytics solutions for knowledge graphs, as evidenced by their data services and the use of knowledge graphs for reporting, modeling, forecasting, and optimizing business processes.

Writer provides a Knowledge Graph and tools for analyzing internal data to generate insights and summaries, which aligns with delivering knowledge graph analytics.

JupiterOne employs a graph-based architecture to help security teams visualize and manage their cyber assets, which aligns with the use of knowledge graphs. Additionally, they provide a Visual Query Builder and other analytics tools to identify security and compliance gaps, which fits the criteria for offering analytics solutions for knowledge graphs.

DevRev provides a feature called Knowledge graphs to create a vast knowledge graph of customer-product-people and offers in-browser analytics for data warehousing, ETL, and reporting.

thatDot's product, Quine, uses a graph data model and provides a Data Exploration UI for interacting with the graph. It supports multiple graph algorithms and query languages, and offers analytics solutions for complex event relationships and high-value pattern identification in real-time.

Plasticity provides a knowledge graph of over 240 million facts and offers analytics solutions through its Cortex Knowledge Graph, which can be queried in natural language.

Alation offers a data intelligence platform with products and services related to data governance, data lineage, and analytics. It also provides an Active Metadata Graph and self-service analytics, which suggests capabilities in knowledge graph analytics.

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