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LatticeFlow Company Information

LatticeFlow AI is an ETH spinoff company established in Switzerland, with offices located in San Francisco, Zurich, and Sofia. The company specializes in providing solutions for model diagnostics, data diagnostics, and AI assessments, serving industries including manufacturing, defense, insurance, and healthcare. LatticeFlow AI’s platform is designed to help teams build and deploy trustworthy and reliable AI models more efficiently. Their data diagnostics solution identifies and resolves data issues at scale, while their model diagnostics solution addresses hidden blind spots in AI models. The platform supports secure on-premise deployment options and integrates with over 100 out-of-the-box model integrations, including models trained using PyTorch, TensorFlow 2, Keras, MMLab, FastAI, and various off-the-shelf architectures. Additional features include model-guided data collection and model attribution analysis. LatticeFlow AI’s AI assessments provide deep insights to ensure compliance, reliability, and robustness of AI models. The company has been recognized as a leader in trustworthy AI, winning the U.S. PETs Prize Challenge in 2023 in the Red Team category, and the VNN-COMP 2020 for robust AI. They have also been awarded the prestigious Innosuisse Certificate and have joined the U.S. AI Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC) and INSAIT’s AI Fellowship Program to support Bulgaria’s most talented students. LatticeFlow AI has been included in the CB Insights AI 100 list of most innovative AI startups and has raised $12 million in venture capital funding to expand its platform capabilities.

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