
Search completed: 22 days ago 1342 candidates analyzed 582 matches found

Innovation Studio offers a variety of programs specifically designed for startups, including incubator and accelerator programs, and provides resources and support tailored to pre-seed and seed stage startups.

Allocate is a startup as it has raised significant funding, is addressing a specific market need, and is in the early stages of its business lifecycle.


Attack Capital is a startup as it has a small team size of 5, is part of the Y-Combinator batch W22, and operates in the fintech industry with innovative offerings.


MDisrupt is a startup as evidenced by its recent $3 million seed funding, its focus on innovation in the healthtech sector, and its partnerships to support early-stage companies.

Sales Impact Academy appears to be a startup based on its innovative approach to sales training, its relatively recent establishment, and the fact that it is scaling and growing its customer base and team. Additionally, the experience of its employees in early-stage companies and venture capital-backed environments supports this classification.


Day Zero Diagnostics is a startup as evidenced by its focus on innovative technology in the field of infectious disease diagnostics, its receipt of multiple awards, and its significant venture capital funding.


MagicCube is a company that offers innovative payment solutions and has a strong focus on technology and security. The company is led by a team with extensive experience in startups, venture capital, and technology commercialization. This indicates that MagicCube is likely a startup.


Mindstate Design Labs is an early-stage company with a small team size of 7, part of Y Combinator's S21 batch, and is developing innovative solutions in the healthcare industry, which are typical characteristics of a startup.

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