Day Zero Diagnostics

Day Zero Diagnostics Employees

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Day Zero Diagnostics Company Information

Day Zero Diagnostics, based in Watertown, MA, is a leader in the field of infectious disease diagnostics, utilizing advanced whole genome sequencing technologies. The company offers the epiXact service, providing rapid turnaround sequencing for infection control professionals. Since its inception, Day Zero Diagnostics has garnered significant recognition, including being named Winner of the New England Region in 2016, a Finalist in the MassChallenge HealthTech Digital Health Accelerator in 2017, and Winner of the Disruptive Technology Award in 2021. Financially, the company has secured $49 million in venture capital and over $18 million in non-dilutive funding as of 2023. In collaboration with Oxford Nanopore, Day Zero Diagnostics is developing a same-day identification diagnostic system for clinical use. The company has also developed innovative technologies such as Blood2Bac, which significantly enhances the enrichment of bacterial DNA from clinical samples. Additionally, Day Zero Diagnostics employs proprietary computational diagnostic algorithms, including Keynome ID and Keynome gAST, to rapidly identify pathogens and profile antimicrobial resistance. The company also maintains MicrohmDB, a comprehensive proprietary microbial database that integrates whole genome sequencing data with phenotypic resistance profiles.

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