Startups founded by georgia tech alumni

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Intradiem is a startup founded by Matt McConnell, who graduated from The Georgia Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering.


Unscrambl is a startup and one of its founders, Vibhore Kumar, earned a PhD in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.


Andson Biotech is a startup, as evidenced by its participation in Y Combinator and other accelerator programs. Additionally, it was founded by individuals who graduated from Georgia Tech, including Andrei G. Fedorov, Jim Ross, Mason A. Chilmonczyk, and Tom O'Brien, all of whom have strong ties to Georgia Tech.

Lavo Life Sciences is an early-stage startup in the healthcare industry, specifically in drug discovery and delivery. Two of its key founders, Derek Metcalf and Zach Glick, hold PhDs from Georgia Tech, meeting the criteria of being founded by Georgia Tech alumni.


RetailReady is a startup founded by Georgia Tech alumni. Both co-founders, Elle Smyth and Sarah Hamer, graduated from Georgia Tech with degrees in Industrial Engineering.


Untether Labs is a startup, as evidenced by its small team size and participation in the Y-Combinator batch W23. One of its engineers, Lucas, studied Computer Science at Georgia Tech, fulfilling the criteria of being founded by a Georgia Tech alumnus.


Speedscale is a startup founded by individuals who graduated from Georgia Tech. Specifically, Ken Ahrens, Matt LeRay, and Shaun Duncan are all Georgia Tech alumni and co-founders of the company.

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