Find me ai companies that focus on reasoning and had raise venture capital in the last year - preferably series a or after.

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Sanctuary AI matches the query because it is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on reasoning through their AI control system called Carbon. The company has raised venture capital funding in the last year, specifically a Series A funding round of C$75.5 million (US$58.5 million).


Observe.AI is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence, specifically focusing on conversation intelligence and contact center solutions. The company utilizes AI technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative AI to improve customer experiences and agent performance, which aligns with the focus on reasoning within AI. Additionally, Observe.AI raised $125M in Series C funding, adding Zoom as an investor, which occurred within the last year. Therefore, the company meets all the specified criteria of the query.


AlphaSense is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their AI-fueled smart chat Assistant, Smart Synonyms™, and GenAI-powered Smart Summaries. They focus on reasoning within AI by providing tools to surface relevant insights and instant summaries from premium content. The company raised $150 million in Series E funding in 2023, which is within the last year and is a later stage of venture capital funding.

Abridge is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, specifically using generative AI to transform patient-clinician conversations into structured clinical notes. This indicates a focus on reasoning within the field of AI. Additionally, Abridge raised $30M in Series B funding, which is a venture capital round, within the last year.


Imbue (formerly Generally Intelligent) matches the query because it is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, specifically focusing on reasoning within AI. The company has raised $200M in venture capital funding in the last year, which is a significant amount and suggests it is likely Series A or later stage funding.


Mavenoid is an AI company that provides automated support for products and devices, which can be considered a form of reasoning within AI. The company raised a $30 million Series B round, which is a venture capital funding round in the last year and is after Series A.


Helsing is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on AI-based capabilities to protect democracies. They employ AI and software to enable faster and more accurate decision-making, which can be interpreted as a focus on reasoning within AI. Helsing raised €209 million in a Series B funding round in September 2023, meeting the criteria for raising venture capital in the last year and at a Series A or later stage.

d-Matrix is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence, specifically focusing on generative AI and large language models, which can be considered a subset of AI reasoning. The company raised $110 million in Series B funding within the last year, meeting the criteria for venture capital funding at Series A or later stage.

Zama is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence and develops solutions for confidential machine learning, which involves reasoning. The company raised $73M in Series A funding within the last year.

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