Climate companies in europe looking for tech hires

Search completed: 6 days ago 895 candidates analyzed stopped after 11 matches found

Return is focused on climate-related solutions and technologies, specifically in clean energy projects such as solar, wind, battery assets, and energy storage. The company is based in Europe, with projects in Spain and the Netherlands. Additionally, Return has multiple technology-related positions, including Software Engineer, Software & Data Engineer, Data Scientist & Software Engineer, and Head of Product, indicating they are looking for tech hires.


Royal HaskoningDHV is focused on climate-related solutions and technologies, has a significant presence in Europe, and has a dedicated Talent Acquisition Team for guiding applicants through the hiring process, which suggests they are likely looking for tech hires.

Eastman is involved in climate-related solutions and technologies, has a presence in Europe with a manufacturing site in France, and offers career opportunities in technology-related positions.

Bubble Go is focused on climate-related solutions through its Green IT and IT for Green approaches, is based in Europe with offices in Geneva and Lisbon, and provides technology-related services which implies they may be looking for tech hires.

Kitekraft is focused on climate-related solutions through its development of flying wind turbines, is based in Munich, Germany, which is in Europe, and has a team with specific roles related to technology development, indicating they may be looking for tech hires.

Beyonnex is focused on climate-related solutions through its IoT and energy efficiency technologies, is based in Europe (Germany), and is part of a growing group that likely requires tech hires for its expanding operations.

Ryzo is focused on climate-related solutions through their soil carbon management tools and technologies, operates in Europe with an office in the UK, and has multiple tech-related positions such as Full-Stack Engineers and a Chief Technology Officer, indicating they are likely looking for tech hires.


National Grid is focused on climate-related solutions and technologies, is based in Europe (UK), and offers a range of career opportunities, including those in technology-related positions for building and running a cleaner energy system.

Pina Earth matches all the criteria of the query. The company is focused on climate-related solutions, specifically offering carbon credits from European forests to support climate-resilient mixed forests. It is based in Munich, Germany, which is in Europe. Additionally, the company employs software engineers and has a tech lead, indicating that it is likely looking for tech hires.

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