Wayve Employees

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Wayve Company Information

Wayve, a pioneering company based in London, UK, with additional offices in Silicon Valley, USA, and an upcoming office in Vancouver, Canada, specializes in creating advanced AI foundation models for autonomous driving. The company’s flagship product, the Wayve AI Driver, supports various levels of driving automation and operates on a mapless, hardware-agnostic software platform, which allows it to be used with any vehicle type. This innovative approach does not rely on HD maps, facilitating easier expansion to new roads and cities. Wayve’s technology leverages a fleet learning loop, where continuous data collection and analysis from its fleet enhance the AI models’ capabilities, simulating advanced human-like driving skills. The company has successfully raised $258 million through Series A and B funding rounds and has established partnerships with leading UK grocery retailers to trial autonomous delivery services.

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1396 candidates analyzed 3 days ago
1464 candidates analyzed 4 days ago
1328 candidates analyzed 4 days ago
1472 candidates analyzed 4 days ago
1383 candidates analyzed 4 days ago
1069 candidates analyzed 10 days ago
1421 candidates analyzed 13 days ago
1413 candidates analyzed 13 days ago
1339 candidates analyzed 16 days ago
1271 candidates analyzed 25 days ago
1254 candidates analyzed 25 days ago
1311 candidates analyzed 25 days ago
1276 candidates analyzed about 1 month ago
1427 candidates analyzed 5 days ago
1436 candidates analyzed 5 days ago
1411 candidates analyzed 6 days ago
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Companies similar to Wayve

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