Find startups that are based in london and are in ai

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InstaDeep is a startup that develops AI-powered decision-making systems and has a strategic office in London. The company is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, offering AI-driven products and solutions across various industries.


bloop is a startup based in London that primarily engages in artificial intelligence for code search and generation.

Emotech is a startup founded in 2015, based in London, and specializes in multimodal AI and low-resource speech solutions, making it primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business.

Humanloop is a startup based in London, England, United Kingdom, and is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on building applications on top of large language models and improving systems with human feedback.


Wayve is a startup that specializes in AI for autonomous driving, and it is headquartered in London, UK.


Focal Systems is a startup that has an office in London and is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence through its retail automation solutions using Deep Learning and Computer Vision technologies.

Dexory is a London-based startup that develops robotics and AI solutions for logistics warehouses, meeting all the criteria of being a startup, based in London, and primarily engaged in artificial intelligence.


Symbolica is a venture-backed startup that is based in both the Bay Area and London, and it is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business.

Helsing is a startup founded in 2021, has an office in London, and is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, specifically in the defense sector.

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