Traders of agricultural commodities

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Thrive Agric provides a marketplace for the sales of agro-commodities locally and internationally, indicating involvement in the trading of agricultural commodities.


TradeCafe is involved in the trading of protein commodities, which are agricultural products. The company's activities include managing purchases, deliveries, and payments related to these commodities, and it has participated in various food and beverage trade fairs, indicating its involvement in the agricultural sector.

Ag Processing is involved in the trading of commodities, specifically agricultural products such as soybean meal, crude soybean oil, and other oilseeds and grains. The company markets these agricultural commodities both domestically and internationally.


Hansen-Mueller is involved in the trading of commodities, specifically agricultural products such as wheat, oats, feed ingredients, barley, corn, sorghum, and soybeans.

Pembina handles agricultural product exports as part of its operations, indicating involvement in the trading of agricultural commodities.

Pacific Ag is involved in the trading of agricultural commodities, specifically crop residues and hay forage, which are used in various markets including animal protein industries and commercial mushroom production. The company provides supply chain solutions for both export and domestic markets, indicating their role in trading these agricultural products.


Seaboard Corporation, through its Seaboard Overseas and Trading Group, is involved in the trading of commodities, specifically agricultural products such as wheat, corn, soybean meal, wheat flour, maize meal, and oilseed crush commodities.


CHS is involved in the trading of commodities, specifically agricultural products such as grains, oilseeds, and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). The company connects grains produced by its farmer-owners with food and feed customers globally and is a leading cooperative marketer of grain, moving more than 2 billion bushels within the United States and to about 65 countries every year.

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