Startups in agriculture

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Thrive Agritech is a startup that began as a venture capital-backed tech start-up at Y Combinator and is primarily engaged in the agriculture industry, specifically in developing advanced lighting fixtures for indoor agriculture and supporting sustainable agriculture.

Semios is a startup that provides a comprehensive crop management platform for specialty crops, utilizing IoT, machine learning, and big data analytics to manage agricultural risks. The company is primarily engaged in the agriculture industry, offering solutions for climate monitoring, insect pest management, disease management, and more.


Naïo Technologies is a startup that specializes in agricultural robotics, providing innovative solutions for modern farmers and vineyard operators. The company has been engaged in the agriculture industry since 2011 and has deployed over 300 agricultural robots globally.


Bountiful is a startup that was launched in 2015 and is primarily engaged in the agriculture industry, offering solutions for agriculture analytics, yield forecasts, and market insights.


Prospera Technologies is a startup that provides agricultural technology solutions, focusing on irrigation and crop health monitoring, which directly engages in the agriculture industry.

MTech Systems is a startup that provides various technological solutions primarily for the agriculture industry, including poultry and swine management, precision farming, and farm management software.


Decisive Farming is a startup that offers a range of technology-driven solutions specifically for the agriculture industry, including soil health, operational health, and financial health services tailored for farming.

PickTrace is a startup that provides workforce and harvest management solutions specifically for the agriculture industry. It was part of Y Combinator's S15 batch, indicating its startup status, and its primary focus is on improving operational efficiency for large-scale farms.


Aspire Food Group is a startup that pioneers the insect agriculture industry, focusing on innovative and sustainable protein production systems. The company has raised multiple rounds of funding and has been operational since 2013, indicating its startup status. Additionally, it is primarily engaged in agriculture through its production of crickets and Frass, an agricultural product.

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