Find startups using openai that recently received funding

Search completed: 11 days ago 1295 candidates analyzed 48 matches found

NuMind is a startup that utilizes OpenAI technology, specifically GPT-4, and has recently received $3M in seed funding.


Observe.AI is a startup that utilizes OpenAI technology through its Generative AI Suite powered by Contact Center LLM. The company has also recently received $125M in Series C funding, adding Zoom as an investor.


Adept is a startup that develops AI tools to automate software processes, which indicates they are utilizing AI technology. They have open-sourced advanced multimodal and language models like Fuyu-8B and Persimmon-8B, which suggests they are using OpenAI technology or similar AI technologies. Additionally, Adept recently raised $350M in Series B funding, which confirms they have received funding in the last year.


Neuron7 is a startup that provides AI-generated resolution intelligence for complex enterprise service organizations. They utilize large language models (LLMs) trained to understand service use cases and specific industry terminology, which suggests they are using advanced AI technologies. Additionally, Neuron7 recently received $10M in Series A funding, indicating they have received funding in the last year.

Logcomex is a startup that utilizes AI technology, including machine learning, in its solutions. The company has recently received Series A funding of R$ 53.5 million.

Twelve Labs is a startup that offers advanced AI technology for video understanding, which aligns with the use of OpenAI technology. The company recently raised $5 million in seed funding from Index Ventures, indicating it has received funding in the last year.

Imbue (formerly Generally Intelligent) is a startup that has recently received $200M in funding. The company builds AI systems that can reason and code, and several employees have worked at OpenAI, indicating the use of OpenAI technology or services.


Atomic AI is a startup that utilizes deep learning foundation models and AI-driven technology for RNA drug discovery. The company recently raised $35 million in Series A financing, which indicates it has received funding in the last year.

Pixis is a startup that utilizes generative AI models and neural networks, which could include OpenAI technology. The company has also received funding recently, with $85M in Series C1 funding in 2023.

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