Companies in the bay area in california that work on bioluminescence or similar

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Amyris is located in the Bay Area in California and works on synthetic biology, which includes technologies similar to bioluminescence.


Bikanta is located in Berkeley, CA, which is part of the Bay Area in California. The company works on nanodiamond-based technology for medical imaging and diagnostics, which involves fluorescent nanodiamonds. This technology is similar to bioluminescence as it involves fluorescence for imaging purposes.

BLUUMBIO is located in Berkeley, CA, which is part of the Bay Area in California. The company works on bioremediation technologies, which involve using biological organisms to remove toxins from the environment. This is similar to bioluminescence in that it involves the use of biological processes for environmental purposes.


Berkeley Lab is located in the Bay Area in California and conducts research in biosciences, which could potentially include bioluminescence or similar technologies.


Living Carbon has its headquarters in Hayward, CA, which is part of the Bay Area in California. The company works on photosynthesis-enhanced trees, which is a technology related to bioluminescence in the sense that both involve biological enhancements for environmental benefits.


GTRACK Technologies is located in San Francisco, CA, which is in the Bay Area. The company specializes in nanoparticle fluorescent tracers, which can be considered similar to bioluminescence technologies.

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