Semantic web

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Fluree is involved in the development and application of Semantic Web technologies, supports universal semantic standards such as RDF, OWL, SPARQL, and JSON-LD, and offers a knowledge graph for complex queries and inferencing.


Cambridge Semantics is involved in the development and application of Semantic Web technologies through its Anzo platform, which is a scalable knowledge graph platform for data integration and analytics. The company focuses on enhancing web data interoperability and integration by employing semantic technology and graph databases to manage complex data across diverse domains. Additionally, the company works on projects related to linked data and RDF, as evidenced by its use of AnzoGraph, a high-performance, in-memory MPP semantic graph engine.


Rancho BioSciences provides terminology services including semantic data integration, customized terminology and ontology services, and nomenclature mapping and cross-referencing. These services align with the development and application of Semantic Web technologies, enhancing web data interoperability and integration, and working on projects related to ontologies.

Honeydew is involved in the development and application of Semantic Web technologies, as evidenced by their focus on a semantic layer that enhances data interoperability and integration. They also work on projects related to semantic layers, which align with linked data and ontologies.


Eclipse Mining Technologies uses a Data Ontology framework and Knowledge Graphs, which are key components of Semantic Web technologies. Their SourceOne EKPS system focuses on data integration and interoperability, aligning with the goals of enhancing web data interoperability and integration. Additionally, the use of ontologies and knowledge graphs indicates involvement in projects related to linked data and RDF-like structures.

Molecular Connections offers services related to ontology services, semantic enrichment, and data fairification, which are directly related to Semantic Web technologies. Additionally, the company focuses on enhancing web data interoperability and integration through these services. The involvement in ontology services and semantic enrichment indicates work related to linked data and RDF.


Ardis AI is involved in extracting information from unstructured text data to generate a knowledge graph, which aligns with the development and application of Semantic Web technologies. The company focuses on enhancing web data interoperability and integration by allowing users to ask complex questions and providing answers with evidence from multiple documents. Additionally, the use of knowledge graphs and the development of a plug-in for Elasticsearch indicate work related to linked data and ontologies.

Stardog Union is involved in the development and application of Semantic Web technologies through its Enterprise Knowledge Graph platform. The platform is built on open W3C standards, which are fundamental to the Semantic Web. It focuses on enhancing web data interoperability and integration by supporting SPARQL, RDF, and other related technologies. Additionally, Stardog's platform works with linked data and ontologies, which are core components of the Semantic Web.

Silverchair's Semedica® suite of tools and services is designed to enhance publisher content through semantic enrichment, and their AI-driven autotagging process uses an algorithm to create context-based connections and group similar concepts to facilitate discovery. These features indicate involvement in Semantic Web technologies, focusing on enhancing web data interoperability and integration.

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