Manage coi tracking

Search completed: 7 days ago 1458 candidates analyzed stopped after 12 matches found

EasyLlama offers training courses on conflicts of interest and provides real-time tracking, automations, and integrations for HR admins, which can be used to manage and track conflicts of interest.


The company Aer offers solutions for managing conflicts of interest and provides mechanisms for tracking them, as evidenced by their offerings in pre-trade clearance, post-trade monitoring, and compliance solutions.


Wreno offers a platform called VendorEase that includes management of COIs (Conflicts of Interest) and provides compliance dashboards for monitoring vendor compliance status, which implies tracking mechanisms for COIs.

LEAP Legal Software includes a Conflict Check App to help users identify potential conflicts of interest, which indicates that it offers solutions for managing Conflicts of Interest (COI) and provides tracking mechanisms for COI.

Frontline Managed Services offers Revenue Cycle Management services including Conflicts Check, which implies they have mechanisms for managing and tracking Conflicts of Interest (COI).

ConvergePoint offers conflict of interest disclosure software to manage and mitigate conflicts of interest, which includes tracking mechanisms.

LuckyTruck offers COI compliance management, which indicates they provide solutions and tracking mechanisms for managing Conflicts of Interest.

GAN Integrity offers a product specifically for managing Conflicts of Interest and provides solutions for disclosure management, which implies tracking mechanisms for Conflicts of Interest.

The company Jones offers a Certificate of Insurance (COI) tracking and compliance management software, which includes automated COI collection, auditing, and compliance management. This directly addresses the criteria of managing Conflicts of Interest (COI) and providing tracking mechanisms for COIs.

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