Insure catastrophes

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Swiss Re provides insurance services and specializes in insuring against catastrophic events such as natural disasters through its Property & Casualty Reinsurance and research on climate and natural catastrophe risk.

ZestyAI provides AI-driven property and climate risk analytics solutions, including climate risk models for Wildfire, Severe Storm, Hail, and Wind. They serve the insurance industry and partner with major insurers, which indicates they specialize in assessing and managing risks associated with catastrophic events.


Súper provides insurance services and specializes in insuring against catastrophic events such as earthquakes, which are a type of natural disaster.

SageSure provides insurance services and specializes in catastrophe-exposed property insurance, including coverage for natural disasters and other significant risks.

PolicyFly provides insurance services and targets specialty insurance markets, including those related to catastrophic events such as floods. The company also enables insurers to manage and underwrite policies in hard-to-insure markets, which can include catastrophic risks.


RYZE Claim Solutions provides a range of claims management solutions, including catastrophe claims management. They mobilize and dispatch adjusters to manage catastrophe claims nationwide annually, indicating a specialization in insuring against catastrophic events such as natural disasters.


FM Global provides commercial property insurance and has a strong focus on property loss prevention, including research and tools specifically aimed at understanding and mitigating the effects of catastrophic events such as fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and windstorms.

ICEYE provides detailed insights into floods and wildfires for the public sector and insurers, and offers solutions for insurance sectors including flood insights and wildfire insights. This indicates that the company specializes in providing data and intelligence that can be used for insuring against catastrophic events such as natural disasters.

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