Find companies with a net positive social impact(working on climate change, healthcare, educational, hiring software engineers for remote jobs.

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GoldenPeaks Capital matches several criteria of the query. The company is heavily involved in initiatives related to climate change through its focus on green energy generation, including solar and wind projects, and its exploration of green hydrogen and storage technologies. Additionally, GoldenPeaks Capital Foundation is dedicated to improving healthcare and education for children in poorer countries, which aligns with the healthcare and educational advancements criteria. However, there is no specific evidence that the company is hiring software engineers for remote jobs. Despite this, the company's overall activities contribute to a net positive social impact, particularly in the areas of climate action, healthcare, and education.

TELUS matches the query because it is involved in multiple initiatives that align with the criteria. TELUS is working on climate change through its commitment to using 100% renewable energy by 2025 and becoming a zero-waste, carbon-neutral company by 2030. It is involved in the healthcare sector through TELUS Health, which provides digital health solutions and services. TELUS is focused on educational advancements through its Internet for Good program, which provides low-cost, high-speed internet to qualified low-income families. Additionally, TELUS is hiring software engineers for remote jobs, as indicated by its various digital solutions and services. Overall, TELUS has a net positive social impact through its various programs and initiatives aimed at social and environmental change.

Mastech Digital matches several criteria of the query. The company is involved in educational advancements through its digital learning services. It is hiring software engineers for remote jobs via its MAS-REMOTE program. The company also engages in corporate social responsibility initiatives related to healthcare (cancer awareness, child health), environmental consciousness, and women empowerment, which contribute to a net positive social impact. However, there is no specific evidence that the company is working on initiatives directly related to climate change.

Critical Juncture matches several criteria of the query. The company is involved in the healthcare sector, as evidenced by their development of the California Maternal Data Center and their work with the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative. They are also focused on educational advancements, serving clients like the Oakland Unified School District. Additionally, they offer remote job opportunities for software engineers, such as the Full Stack Rails Developer position. However, there is no specific evidence that the company is working on initiatives related to climate change. Despite this, the company has a net positive social impact through its work in healthcare, education, and government sectors.

The University of Sydney matches several criteria of the query. It is involved in climate change initiatives through its Net Zero Institute and Sydney Environment Institute. It is also deeply involved in the healthcare sector with initiatives like the Sydney Biomedical Accelerator and the Charles Perkins Centre. The university is focused on educational advancements, offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional development courses. However, there is no specific evidence that the university is hiring software engineers for remote jobs. Despite this, the university has a net positive social impact through its various research centres and sustainability efforts.

GMMB matches several criteria in the query. They are involved in climate change initiatives through their collaboration with Gridworks to support decarbonizing the electricity grid. They are also involved in the healthcare sector, as evidenced by their partnership with the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange and their focus on US health care. Additionally, GMMB is focused on educational advancements, demonstrated by their work with the BUILD Initiative and the American Institutes for Research. However, there is no specific evidence that GMMB is hiring software engineers for remote jobs. Despite this, GMMB has a net positive social impact through their various initiatives in climate change, healthcare, education, and social justice.

Solugen matches several criteria of the query. The company is involved in initiatives related to climate change through its production of biobased and carbon-negative chemical goods, which replace traditional petroleum-based chemicals. Solugen is also involved in the healthcare sector as it operates within the healthcare and industrial bio industries. The company offers remote and partly remote working options, which implies they may be hiring software engineers for remote jobs. Additionally, Solugen's focus on sustainable chemistry and environmental stewardship indicates a net positive social impact.


Nagarro matches several criteria of the query. The company is involved in the healthcare sector, focuses on educational advancements, and has a strong focus on sustainability and ESG initiatives, which can be related to climate change. Additionally, Nagarro offers a work-from-anywhere policy, which implies they are hiring software engineers for remote jobs. The company also engages in various social responsibility initiatives, indicating a net positive social impact.

The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is involved in several sectors that align with the query criteria. Specifically, the ACA is involved in the healthcare sector with a focus on precision medicine, diagnostics, health information technologies, neurosciences, cancer research, and algae and plant-based genomic research. The ACA also has a strong focus on educational advancements, with more than 50 EdTech companies or startups in the state. Additionally, the ACA supports remote work by providing various programs and incentives such as tax credits, grants, startup competitions, bonds, training, and mentorship, which can be beneficial for companies hiring software engineers for remote jobs. The ACA is also a leader in renewable energy, which contributes to climate change initiatives. Overall, the ACA has a net positive social impact through its various initiatives and support for multiple sectors.

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