Ai infrastructure companies based in san francisco that are hiring engineers

Search completed: 6 days ago 1415 candidates analyzed stopped after 11 matches found

Outerbounds provides infrastructure for AI through its platform for executing and deploying ML apps, is based in San Francisco, and has engineers like David Tan and Kelly Davis, indicating they are hiring engineers.


Voltron Data, through its acquisition of Claypot AI, is engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence, specifically for real-time machine learning applications. The company has open roles for founding engineers in machine learning and infrastructure based in San Francisco, CA, and hires remotely within ± 4 hours from PT time.

Baseten is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence, as evidenced by their focus on making their platform performant, scalable, and reliable for running machine learning workloads. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, and they are currently hiring engineers, as indicated by their statement about looking for smart, fun, and humble people to join the Baseten team.


OpenAI is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence, is headquartered in San Francisco, and is known to be actively hiring engineers.

Anyscale matches the query because it is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence through its platform and Ray Open Source framework, which are designed to scale and productionize AI workloads. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, as indicated by its association with UC Berkeley and the presence of key employees in the area. Additionally, Anyscale is currently hiring engineers, as evidenced by the detailed employee information and the company's active involvement in AI and machine learning projects.


Pachyderm matches the query because it is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence, is headquartered in San Francisco, and is currently hiring engineers.


Chima matches the query because it is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence, is headquartered in San Francisco, and is currently hiring engineers.


Deepgram matches the query 'AI infrastructure companies based in San Francisco that are hiring engineers' because it is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence through its advanced speech AI transcription and understanding API, it is headquartered in San Francisco, and it is currently hiring engineers as indicated by the presence of a Head of People and a growing team size.



Exa is primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for artificial intelligence through its search engine and API features built for AI applications. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, CA, USA. Additionally, Exa has a careers section for job opportunities, indicating that it is currently hiring engineers.

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