Focus on search ranking at a search provider

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SerpApi is a search provider offering a variety of search engine APIs including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more. The company focuses on search ranking algorithms and technologies by providing real-time search results, solving CAPTCHAs, and offering structured SERP data in JSON format.


Vectara is a search provider offering a modern, API-first search platform. The company focuses on search ranking algorithms and technologies, as evidenced by features like neural re-ranking, cross-attentional neural networks for merging and reordering results, and zero-shot models optimized for language understanding.

Ahrefs runs its own search engine called Yep and offers tools like Rank Tracker and Keywords Explorer, which focus on search ranking algorithms and technologies.

Branch AI provides state-of-the-art Ecommerce Search solutions powered by AI, which includes technologies for search ranking such as embeddings, rankers, and query rewriting. This indicates a focus on search ranking algorithms. Additionally, the company operates in the search domain, making it a search provider.

Trieve is a search provider that focuses on search ranking algorithms and technologies. The company offers a state-of-the-art retrieval model for full-text search called SPLADE, supports hybrid search combining full-text and semantic vector search, and provides various features for relevance tuning such as date recency biasing and merchandising relevance tuning. These features indicate a strong focus on search ranking.

Consensus is a search provider specifically designed for research and focuses on search ranking algorithms and technologies by leveraging AI and Large Language Models to summarize and rank search results from scientific papers.


Inkeep is a search provider that uses proprietary ingestion, embedding, chunking, and retrieval algorithms to find the most relevant content for user's questions and search queries. The company also focuses on retrieval augmented generation (RAG) engine and re-ranking content, which indicates a focus on search ranking algorithms or technologies.


Epsilon is an AI search engine for scientific research, which qualifies it as a search provider. Additionally, it focuses on search ranking by grouping search results into categories like latest research, key texts, and most relevant articles, and by using AI to synthesize search results.


Exa is a search provider that offers a search engine built for AI applications. The company focuses on search ranking algorithms and technologies, as evidenced by their use of a link prediction transformer to predict links matching the meaning of a prompt and their features like flexible search, page content retrieval, customizability, and similarity search.

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