Bootstrapped tech companies

Search completed: 6 days ago 1532 candidates analyzed stopped after 6 matches found is featured by Forbes as one of the most successful bootstrapped startups and operates in the technology sector by offering AI-powered virtual assistants for banks and credit unions.


Hackworth is a software development company in the technology sector and is explicitly described as a bootstrapped private limited company.

ActiveProspect is a technology company that was bootstrapped by its founder, Steve Rafferty, who decided to build the company without external funding.


OpenRegulatory operates in the technology sector by providing regulatory software and services for medical device companies. Additionally, the company is explicitly described as bootstrapped and profitable, indicating it has not taken external funding.

Zample Corporation operates as a self-funded company without external investors and provides AI-based technology solutions, meeting both criteria of being in the technology sector and being bootstrapped.


Cero operates in the technology sector, utilizing Machine Learning and NLP technologies, and has been bootstrapped and profitable as of August 2021.

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