Ai fmri

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BrainKey utilizes artificial intelligence and offers analysis of MRI scans, which includes fMRI technology, for brain health and longevity insights.

Turing Medical is involved in Artificial Intelligence (AI) through its BOLD-ai brain mapping and targeting solution. The company also works with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) technology, as evidenced by its FIRMM software and FIRMM-pix product, which are designed to enhance fMRI data quality and patient experience.

Kernel is involved in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as evidenced by their use of AI and ML tools to produce actionable biomarkers. Additionally, Kernel works with fMRI-like functional neuroimaging technology through their Kernel Flow2 headset, which provides robust, fMRI-like functional neuroimaging.

Darmiyan is involved in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it leverages neuroscience research, medical image processing, and ML/AI to detect neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, the company uses patented technology to quantify cellular-level changes within every voxel of a brain MRI scan, which indicates involvement with fMRI technology.

Brown University has a Carney Institute for Brain Science that conducts research on brain function, which may involve fMRI technology. Additionally, the university's undergraduate students can participate in the Health AI Systems Thinking for Equity Datathon, indicating involvement in AI.

Promaxo integrates AI-based imaging for guiding prostate interventions and offers a modular MRI system, which aligns with the use of fMRI technology.

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