Ai coding tools

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Openlayer provides tools to track prompts and models, test edge cases, and catch errors in production for AI applications. These tools are designed for software development and incorporate artificial intelligence technology, as evidenced by their focus on evaluating AI with one line of code and sending alerts when AI fails. Additionally, the company is tagged with 'Developer Tools' and 'Artificial Intelligence'.


Quack AI develops a VSCode extension called 'quack-companion' that is specifically designed for coding and software development. This extension incorporates artificial intelligence technology through a deep learning model to assist with guideline curation, contribution assistance, and failure analysis & iteration.

Ellipsis develops tools specifically designed for coding and software development, such as code review, code generation, and answering questions about source code. These tools are powered by artificial intelligence technology, specifically using Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand and generate code.

Aviator develops tools specifically designed for coding and software development, such as FlexReview, MergeQueue, and TestDeck. These tools are aimed at improving developer productivity by automating workflows, managing code reviews, and keeping builds healthy. Additionally, Aviator's tools incorporate artificial intelligence technology to automate and optimize various aspects of the developer toolchain, such as managing flaky tests and optimizing CI runs.


Reflect develops an AI-powered, no-code testing platform specifically designed for coding and software development. Their tools incorporate advanced AI capabilities to enable greater automation and faster test creation, fitting the criteria of AI coding tools.

Bearer provides tools specifically designed for coding or software development, such as Bearer Cloud and Bearer CLI, and incorporates artificial intelligence technology through its AI-powered assistant for simplifying security in software development.

ThreatModeler provides tools like IaC-Assist that integrate with IDEs to help engineers implement security policies and controls, which are specifically designed for coding or software development. Additionally, ThreatModeler v7.0 introduces AI features, and the platform includes an Intelligent Threat Engine (ITE) that uses AI to identify threats and gather security requirements.

Moderne develops a developer platform specifically designed for coding and software development, offering tools for auto-refactoring, code migrations, security, and analysis. These tools employ artificial intelligence to improve code quality and security across multiple repositories.

DhiWise develops tools specifically designed for coding and software development, and it incorporates artificial intelligence technology through its WiseGPT feature, an AI code assistant that generates production-ready code.

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