Software company in singapore that using outsourcing resoureces

Search completed: 3 days ago 1437 candidates analyzed stopped after 4 matches found

Perfomatix is primarily engaged in the software industry, operates in Singapore, and utilizes outsourcing resources through its offshore development center in India.


To The New is a software company that provides digital transformation and product engineering services, which aligns with the software industry criterion. The company is headquartered in Singapore, meeting the location criterion. Additionally, it offers offshore software development services, indicating the use of outsourcing resources.

Activate Interactive is a software company headquartered in Singapore and operates Offshore Development Centers in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, indicating the use of outsourcing resources.


Sigma Software is primarily engaged in the software industry and has an office in Singapore. Additionally, the company is ranked among the world's top 100 outsourcing companies by IAOP, indicating that it utilizes outsourcing resources for its operations.

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