Together AI

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Together AI Company Information

Together AI provides the fastest cloud platform for building and running generative AI, offering a range of products including Together Inference, Together Fine-tuning, Together Custom Models, and Together GPU Clusters. The company has launched Meta Llama 3, capable of processing over 350 tokens per second, in partnership with Meta for inference and fine-tuning. Together AI’s solutions encompass customer stories, open-source initiatives, and industry use cases. They conduct research leading to breakthrough AI models, datasets, and optimizations. The Together Embeddings endpoint offers higher accuracy, longer context, and lower cost, while the Together Inference Engine is announced as the fastest inference available. Together GPU Clusters provide flexible terms and configurations up to 2048 GPUs, and the Together Custom Models service enables clients to build state-of-the-art models from scratch. Additionally, Together AI hosts a blog that shares insights and updates on AI research and innovations.

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