Determined AI

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Determined AI Company Information

Determined AI provides a comprehensive distributed deep learning and hyperparameter tuning platform designed to accelerate model training and improve accuracy. The platform offers features such as distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, experiment tracking, and resource management, enabling seamless training at any scale without altering model code. It includes scalable hyperparameter search using state-of-the-art algorithms and a built-in model registry for deploying models. Determined AI supports sharing on-premise or cloud GPUs among team members and offers first-class support for deep learning, including seamless spot instance support. The platform automatically records metrics and ensures reproducibility of machine learning projects. It supports leading deep learning frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Keras, and integrates with both cloud and on-premises hardware. Users can run training-related workloads on the same machines seamlessly, with a real-time experiment dashboard featuring built-in tracking and visualization. Additional features include sophisticated checkpointing, resource scheduling, and exporting models to popular serving frameworks like Seldon. Determined AI provides tools for deep learning teams, such as experiment management, log management, metrics visualization, reproducibility, and dependency management. The platform is open-source and cloud vendor neutral, with commercial support available through HPE Machine Learning Development Environment. Users can join a Slack community to interact with the team and access resources like case studies and blog posts on various deep learning topics.

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