Gen ai startups who need decent amount of gpus with orchestrating platform

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Sieve is a startup company (team size of 6, Y-Combinator batch W22) primarily engaged in Generative Artificial Intelligence as their core business (focus on video and audio understanding and generation). The company offers a cloud platform for complex AI applications, which likely requires a significant amount of GPUs for their operations. Additionally, they provide tooling for combining various models in apps and sharing them within teams, indicating the use of an orchestrating platform for managing their GPU resources.


d-Matrix is a startup company that is primarily engaged in Generative Artificial Intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their focus on AI inference at scale and generative AI. The company requires a significant amount of GPUs for their operations, as indicated by their high-throughput and low-latency solutions for large language models. Additionally, d-Matrix utilizes an orchestrating platform for managing their GPU resources, as demonstrated by their Corsair compute platform and Aviator software stack.

Inferless Inc. is a startup company that offers serverless GPU inference services, which indicates a significant need for GPUs. The company is engaged in providing scalable AI endpoints and supports deployment from various machine learning frameworks, suggesting a focus on Generative AI. Additionally, the company utilizes an orchestrating platform for managing GPU resources, as evidenced by features like automatic scaling, dynamic batching, and automated CI/CD for models.

NAX Group is a startup company founded in 2019 and specializes in AI-powered software and services, including generative AI models. The company requires a significant amount of GPUs for their operations, as evidenced by their elastic scaling and self-healing cloud/GPU infrastructure. Additionally, they utilize an orchestrating platform for managing their GPU resources, as indicated by their capabilities in instantiating and orchestrating cloud resources across multiple clouds and regions, and providing instant Kubernetes cluster provisioning.

nCompass Technologies is a startup company (Y Combinator W24 batch) that focuses on AI technologies, specifically providing an API for hosting low-latency open-source AI models and custom models. This indicates they are engaged in Generative AI as their core business. Their service involves handling the complexities of acceleration and model hosting, which implies a significant need for GPUs. Additionally, they offer a platform for acceleration and hosting, suggesting the use of an orchestrating platform for managing GPU resources.

Imbue (formerly Generally Intelligent) is a startup company that is primarily engaged in Generative Artificial Intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their focus on creating practical AI agents and AI systems that can reason and code. The company has raised significant funding and has a small team size, which is typical for startups. Additionally, the company has been involved in developing a cost-aware hyperparameter optimizer (CARBS) and has begun purchasing its own graphics chips to power its research, indicating a need for a significant amount of GPUs. The development of CARBS and the focus on efficient training and long-range context suggest that they utilize or need an orchestrating platform for managing their GPU resources.


CentML is a startup company that focuses on optimizing AI model performance, which aligns with the core business of Generative Artificial Intelligence. Their products, such as CServe, Hidet, and DeepView, are designed to enhance GPU efficiency and reduce computing costs, indicating a significant need for GPUs. Additionally, their solutions include an orchestrating platform for managing GPU resources, as evidenced by their deep learning compiler and profiler tools.


Activeloop is a startup company that provides a database for AI, which involves creating, storing, versioning, and collaborating on multi-modal AI datasets. This indicates that they are engaged in Generative Artificial Intelligence as their core business. Given their focus on large-scale datasets and fine-tuning LLM models, it is likely that they require a significant amount of GPUs for their operations. Additionally, their service includes automatic version control and a serverless service, which suggests the use of an orchestrating platform for managing their GPU resources.

Zensors is a startup company backed by Y Combinator, which indicates it is in its early stages. The company is primarily engaged in AI, specifically vision AI, which converts cameras into AI-powered sensors for various applications such as capacity management and business process automation. This suggests a focus on Generative AI. Given the nature of their AI solutions, it is likely that they require a significant amount of GPUs for processing visual data. Additionally, their platform offers real-time analytics and anomaly detection, which implies the need for an orchestrating platform to manage these GPU resources efficiently.

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