Yc startups that work on sales training or sales enablement

Search completed: 3 days ago 1459 candidates analyzed stopped after 68 matches found

AiSDR is a startup that participated in Y Combinator (S23 batch) and is primarily focused on sales enablement by automating sales prospecting, email campaigns, and booking meetings with prospective customers.

Nova is a startup that participated in Y Combinator (W16) and is primarily focused on sales enablement and sales training, offering a platform that integrates AI, analytics, conversation intelligence, and security to manage sales content, sales plays and playbooks, buyer engagement, sales training, and sales coaching.

Apollo.io participated in Y Combinator's W16 batch and offers a comprehensive sales engagement and intelligence platform, which includes tools for prospecting, engaging, and closing deals. These features align with sales enablement.

Aircover provides real-time in-meeting sales coaching and enablement, which aligns with the focus on sales training and sales enablement. Additionally, Aircover participated in Y Combinator, as indicated by its association with the accelerator.

Demo Gorilla is a startup that participated in Y Combinator's W22 batch and operates in the B2B sales industry. It provides tools and resources that support sales enablement, such as a browser extension for live SaaS demos, presenter notes, and integration with CRM systems. These features align with the focus on sales enablement.

JuziBot is a startup that participated in Y Combinator (W19) and provides smart marketing and sales services, which includes assisting corporate clients with customer acquisition and sales conversion. This aligns with the focus on sales enablement.

Ambition is a startup that participated in Y Combinator's W14 batch and is primarily focused on sales training and sales enablement through its coaching and gamification software for sales teams.


Topo.io is a startup that participated in Y Combinator (W24 batch) and is primarily focused on sales enablement, offering tools and software designed to help sales teams engage buyers, drive momentum, and close deals quickly.


Breadcrumbs.io is a startup that participated in Y Combinator (S21 batch) and operates in the B2B sales industry. The company provides a no-code scoring engine for identifying engaged upsell opportunities, optimizing the sales funnel, and supporting sales-assisted and Product-Led Growth (PLG) motions. These activities align with sales enablement, which involves providing tools and resources to improve sales performance.

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