Work on biodiversity preservation

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Dendra Systems' primary mission is focused on ecosystem restoration, which includes activities aimed at protecting and restoring natural habitats. The company employs advanced technologies like AI and drone swarms for environmental restoration, including aerial seeding to enhance biodiversity. They also provide ecosystem insights and management platforms to optimize restoration plans and monitor progress. These activities align with biodiversity preservation, including the conservation of species and habitats.


Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) provides open access to biodiversity data, supports scientific research and policy with biodiversity-related evidence, and its data is used to assess extinction risks, identify and conserve key biodiversity areas, and monitor invasive species. These activities align with the criteria of focusing on biodiversity preservation, engaging in projects aimed at protecting natural habitats, conserving endangered species, and being involved in research related to biodiversity preservation.

Zoo New England's mission is to inspire people to protect and sustain the natural world for future generations. The company has a strong focus on conservation with programs both locally and globally, participates in the AZA SAFE program, supports wildlife conservation projects around the globe, and has received national awards for its conservation efforts, including a turtle conservation program. Additionally, Zoo New England is involved in research and advocacy related to biodiversity preservation through its conservation blog and participation in the Wildlife Trafficking Alliance.

Resource Environmental Solutions is the nation’s largest ecological restoration company and engages in activities such as species habitat mitigation, wetland & stream mitigation, and native vegetation & pollinator habitat projects. These activities align with biodiversity preservation, including protecting and restoring natural habitats and conserving endangered species. The company also engages in research and advocacy through its use of GIS and StoryMaps to provide detailed insights into their restoration projects.

The Amazon Conservation Team's primary mission is focused on protecting tropical forests and strengthening traditional culture, which includes biodiversity preservation. The company engages in activities aimed at protecting natural habitats, such as partnering with indigenous communities to protect tropical forests and supporting indigenous-led conservation efforts for coastal ecosystems and sea turtles. Additionally, the company is involved in research and advocacy related to biodiversity preservation, as evidenced by their participatory mapping initiatives, biodiversity inventories, and monitoring of plant populations.


Sky Island Alliance's primary mission is focused on protecting and restoring the diversity of life and lands in the Sky Island region, which aligns with biodiversity preservation. The company engages in various conservation projects aimed at protecting and restoring natural habitats, such as the Aravaipa Habitat Project, Springs Rescue, and Road Rewilding. They also conduct scientific studies like the Border Wildlife Study and Spring Seeker to inform conservation efforts, and they advocate for environmental policies and reforms. Additionally, they work on initiatives to conserve endangered species and are involved in research and advocacy related to biodiversity preservation.


Conservation X Labs' primary mission is focused on preventing the sixth mass extinction, which is driven by human actions. The company engages in activities and projects aimed at protecting and restoring natural habitats, such as creating Afghanistan’s first National Park and setting up systems for other protected areas. They also work on initiatives to conserve endangered species through tools like NABIT and Sentinel, which help monitor wildlife and prevent poaching. Additionally, they are involved in research and advocacy related to biodiversity preservation through their various technological solutions and open software for the conservation research community.

The Nature Conservancy's primary mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends, which directly aligns with biodiversity preservation. The organization engages in activities aimed at protecting and restoring natural habitats, such as conserving river systems, lakes, wetlands, and forests. It also works on initiatives to conserve endangered species and is involved in research and advocacy related to biodiversity preservation through its staff of over 400 scientists and various conservation projects.

The New England Aquarium engages in multiple activities and projects aimed at protecting and restoring natural habitats, such as marine conservation research through the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, a dedicated Sea Turtle Hospital for rescuing and rehabilitating sea turtles, and the Marine Conservation Action Fund supporting community-based conservation projects worldwide. Additionally, the Aquarium is involved in research related to biodiversity preservation, including studying the impacts of climate change on marine species.

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