Find startups that need an ai engineer

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Chima is a startup, as evidenced by its small team size of 7 and its participation in the Y Combinator W23 batch. Additionally, Chima is actively hiring for roles such as AI Applications Engineer and Applied AI Researcher, which indicates a need for AI engineers.


1910 Genetics is a startup that integrates AI into its drug discovery processes, and it has multiple employees with AI and machine learning expertise, indicating a potential need for AI engineers.


Voltron Data (formerly Claypot AI) is a startup that is currently hiring for founding engineers in machine learning, which implies a need for AI engineers.

Protex AI is a startup, as evidenced by its small team size (5 employees) and participation in the Y-Combinator S21 batch. Additionally, the company plans to hire an additional 30 people in 2023, which indicates they are expanding and likely hiring for various positions, including AI engineers, given their heavy reliance on AI and computer vision technologies.

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