Find startups that help with email outreach

Search completed: 3 days ago 1341 candidates analyzed 263 matches found

Adapt is a startup that provides tools specifically for email outreach, including an Email Finder and Hyper-Personalization features, which are directly related to email outreach.

CoffeeAI is a startup that offers AI-powered tools specifically for generating personalized emails, which directly addresses the need for email outreach solutions.

Cured is a startup that offers a Healthcare Experience Platform with features for automated email campaigns, including AI-generated subject lines and send time recommendations. This indicates that the company provides solutions specifically for email outreach.

Cquence is a startup that automates follow-up emails and provides solutions to improve email follow-up quality, which directly relates to email outreach.

Vero is a startup that provides solutions specifically for email outreach through its marketing automation platform, Vero Connect, which includes features like personalized emails, a drag-and-drop editor for creating branded email campaigns, and detailed reporting and analytics for email campaigns.

Shortwave is a startup that offers an AI executive assistant to help manage emails, including features like AI-generated scheduling emails and productivity enhancements for email management. These services are directly related to email outreach.


FollowUpThen is a startup that provides an email reminder service, which can be used for following up with sales prospects and maintaining relationships. This aligns with the criteria of helping with email outreach.

Jeeng is a startup that provides solutions specifically for email outreach, such as Jeeng AdServe, which allows publishers to extend their direct campaigns into email, and Jeeng AdMarket, which enables advertisers to reach customers via email.

Typeface is a startup that provides AI-driven content creation tools, including solutions for email marketing, which is a form of email outreach.

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