Find companies with a net positive social impact(working on climate change, healthcare, education...) and who are hiring software engineers for remote jobs.

Search completed: 4 days ago 1342 candidates analyzed stopped after 15 matches found is a healthcare IT company that automates and optimizes healthcare and medical diagnostic lab operations, which contributes to a net positive social impact in the healthcare sector. The company offers remote work options for some positions, including software engineering roles.

Critical Juncture is working on initiatives related to healthcare and education, which contribute to a net positive social impact. The company is currently hiring software engineers for remote positions, as evidenced by the Full Stack Rails Developer job opportunity.

Nest Genomics is a healthcare IT company working on initiatives related to healthcare, which has a net positive social impact by empowering patients and clinicians with genetic information and tools. The company is currently hiring software engineers, including remote positions such as Sr. Full Stack Engineer.


Nimble is working in the education sector, which is one of the areas specified in the query. The company focuses on improving the hiring process for K-12 educators, which contributes to a net positive social impact by enhancing education quality. Additionally, Nimble operates fully remotely and is likely to be hiring software engineers for remote positions given its focus on predictive analytics and machine learning, although specific job listings were not provided.

SmartHelio is working on climate change initiatives by providing advanced data analytics solutions to improve the performance and sustainability of solar PV assets. This aligns with having a net positive social impact. The company is also hiring software engineers, and it offers remote work options as indicated by the regions it operates in, including 'Remote' and 'Partly Remote'.


Perl Street matches the query because it is actively working on climate change solutions through its financial management platform for distributed energy assets and sustainable infrastructure projects. The company has a net positive social impact by supporting the deployment of sustainable technologies and funding climate change solutions. Additionally, Perl Street offers remote work options and has software engineers on its team, indicating that it is likely hiring for such positions.


Edlyft is a company that provides academic support and career guidance tailored to underrepresented students in computer science, which aligns with the education sector and has a net positive social impact. The company offers fully remote work opportunities and has a Senior Software Engineer on the team, indicating they hire software engineers for remote positions.


Orbio Earth is actively working on climate change initiatives by using satellite imagery to track and reduce methane emissions from the oil & gas industry. The company has a net positive social impact as it aims to reduce methane emissions by 10 million metric tons by 2030. They are currently hiring for roles such as Computer Vision Lead with remote-first options, indicating that they are hiring software engineers for remote jobs.


Mastech Digital engages in corporate social responsibility initiatives including cancer awareness, child health and education, women empowerment, and environmental consciousness, which indicates a net positive social impact. The company also operates a remote staffing program called MAS-REMOTE, which offers remote technology jobs, including software engineering positions. Therefore, it meets all the criteria of working on social impact initiatives, having a net positive social impact, hiring software engineers, and offering remote positions.

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