Find companies which already use clickhouse

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The company Scratch Data is built on top of Clickhouse and has multiple references to using Clickhouse in their technology stack, including blog posts about forwarding logs to Clickhouse and incremental Clickhouse backups.


HyperDX is built on top of Clickhouse and S3, indicating that they currently use ClickHouse as part of their technology stack.

Altinity offers managed services, support, training, and various tools specifically for ClickHouse, indicating that they not only use ClickHouse but are deeply integrated with it.

The company ClickHouse is the developer and primary promoter of the ClickHouse database technology, as evidenced by numerous activities and presentations by its employees focused on ClickHouse. Therefore, it is certain that ClickHouse uses ClickHouse as part of their technology stack.


Siftly supports integrations with ClickHouse as part of their technology stack, which indicates they already use ClickHouse.

Glean integrates with ClickHouse as part of their technology stack.

Velvet uses ClickHouse to bring all data together into one queryable interface and leverages ClickHouse’s Table Engines for direct read access to databases, 3rd-party APIs, and events.

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