Find companies that use github copilot

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Byteboard's assessments are built to embrace AI coding solutions such as ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, indicating that they use GitHub Copilot in their development process.

The information provided indicates that Anima App uses multiple AI tools, including CoPilot, in their development process. Specifically, Andrico Karoulla, a Senior Developer at Anima, demonstrated the use of Anima with Figma, CoPilot, GPT, and Dall-E to build a simple game. This provides specific evidence that Anima App uses GitHub Copilot.


The company CommandBar uses an AI-powered assistant named Copilot in their development process, as evidenced by the information about Gus Gordon, a Software Engineer at CommandBar, who works with a product that includes features like product tours, surveys, checklists, in-app help, and an AI-powered assistant named Copilot.


Exeevo's Omnipresence Copilot integrates with Microsoft's productivity solutions, including Copilot, which suggests that Exeevo uses GitHub Copilot in their development process.

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