Find companies that are currently hiring for product manager / senior product manager / principal product managers and are in the marketing technology space. bonus points if it's in social media marketing, influencer marketing, creator commerce, the creator economy.

Search completed: 6 days ago 1428 candidates analyzed stopped after 3 matches found

Dash Hudson matches the query because it operates in the marketing technology space, specifically focusing on social media marketing, influencer marketing, and social commerce. The company offers a social media management platform with tools for social engagement, influencer ROI tracking, and social commerce, which aligns with the criteria of social media marketing, influencer marketing, and the creator economy. Additionally, Dash Hudson is currently hiring for a Vice President of Product, which suggests they may also be hiring for other product management roles, although this is not explicitly confirmed.


ConvertKit matches the query because it is currently hiring for product manager roles (e.g., Scott Mitchell and Sai Suren are listed as Product Managers). The company operates in the marketing technology space, providing tools for email marketing, visual automations, and detailed analytics. Additionally, ConvertKit focuses on the creator economy, offering features that allow creators to monetize their content and connect through the Creator Network. The company also publishes the 'State of the Creator Economy' report annually, further emphasizing its involvement in the creator economy.


Superpeer is currently hiring for a Senior Product Manager role, as evidenced by the presence of Verda Yarangume in that position. The company operates in the marketing technology space by providing tools for creators to monetize their content through livestreams, online courses, and subscriptions. Additionally, Superpeer focuses on the creator economy by enabling creators to earn recurring revenue, build communities, and utilize affiliate marketing. Therefore, Superpeer matches all the criteria specified in the query.

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