Companies similar to

Search completed: 4 days ago 1340 candidates analyzed stopped after 73 matches found

Certainly matches the query because it is involved in developing conversational AI and chatbots, focuses on creating AI-driven characters or virtual assistants, leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies, and is known for providing interactive and personalized AI experiences.

Marr Labs matches the query as it is involved in developing conversational AI (Vox), focuses on creating AI-driven virtual assistants, leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies, and provides interactive and personalized AI experiences.


Youper is involved in developing conversational AI and chatbots, specifically for mental health support. The company focuses on creating AI-driven virtual assistants that leverage natural language processing (NLP) technologies to provide interactive and personalized AI experiences. Youper's AI chatbot engages in natural conversations and has facilitated over 10 million interactions, making it a strong match for the criteria specified in the query.

NDS Cognitive Labs matches the query 'Companies similar to' because it is involved in developing conversational AI and chatbots, focuses on creating AI-driven characters or virtual assistants, leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies, and is known for providing interactive and personalized AI experiences.

Augmented Intelligence is involved in developing conversational AI through its Controllable Language Models (CLMs) and Apollo platform. The company focuses on creating AI-driven characters or virtual assistants for businesses, leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies, and provides interactive and personalized AI experiences by learning and evolving from human feedback.

SmartAction matches the query because it is involved in developing conversational AI solutions for contact centers, provides AI-powered virtual agents, leverages advanced NLP technologies, and is known for offering interactive and personalized AI experiences.

Spine AI matches the query 'Companies similar to' because it is involved in developing conversational AI, focuses on creating AI-powered copilots (which can be considered virtual assistants), leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies, and provides interactive and personalized AI experiences through its conversational interface and AI copilots.

Edgebricks matches several criteria for companies similar to It is involved in developing conversational AI or chatbots, focuses on creating AI-driven characters or virtual assistants, leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies, and is known for providing interactive and personalized AI experiences through customizable chatbots and feedback mechanisms.

Hume AI is involved in developing conversational AI through its Empathic Voice Interface (EVI), which measures vocal modulations and generates empathic responses. The company focuses on creating AI-driven characters or virtual assistants by interpreting vocal and facial expressions. It leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies and is known for providing interactive and personalized AI experiences through its various APIs and research on emotional intelligence in AI.

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