Software Country

Software Country Employees

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Software Country Company Information

Software Country operates as a comprehensive technology service provider, specializing in a variety of sectors including Education & E-learning, Healthcare & Life Sciences, HR & Recruitment, FinTech, Media & Entertainment, and Travel. The company offers services such as Team Augmentation, Custom Projects, and Consulting, catering to the diverse needs of these industries. It possesses deep expertise in several technical areas, including Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Data Engineering & Business Intelligence, Game Development, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, DevOps & Cloud, Salesforce, UI/UX Design, and Quality Assurance & Testing. Software Country has also developed proprietary products like Perseus, a Desk Booking System, and an Automatic Question Generator. The company maintains a global presence with offices in the USA, UK, Estonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Georgia, and Kazakhstan, enabling it to serve a broad international clientele.

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