Startups in the mental wellness space with less than 30 employees

Search completed: 5 days ago 1158 candidates analyzed stopped after 39 matches found

Sayana is a startup in the mental wellness space with a team size of 2 employees.

Therify is a startup (Y-Combinator batch S21) primarily engaged in the mental wellness space, offering a comprehensive wellness platform for HR teams to support employee well-being. The company has a team size of 3, which is fewer than 30 employees.


Orchid is a startup that participated in Y Combinator's W23 batch, operates in the mental wellness space by targeting mental health professionals with its AI-powered EHR system, and has a team size of 4 employees.

Attunement is a startup in the mental wellness space, specifically focused on behavioral health, and has a team size of 2 employees, which is fewer than 30.

Within Health is a startup that operates in the mental wellness space, offering ketamine-assisted therapy and other holistic wellness practices. The company has raised $1.1M to expand its services, indicating its startup status. The employee list provided includes fewer than 30 individuals, meeting the criteria for the number of employees.


Sonia is a startup in the mental wellness space, utilizing AI-powered cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to provide mental health services. The company has a team size of 3, which is fewer than 30 employees.

Terapify is a startup in the mental wellness space with a team size of 14 employees, which is fewer than 30.

Quan is a startup that operates in the mental wellness space, providing a platform to improve well-being and team performance. The company has a team size of 17 employees, which is fewer than 30.

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