Find technology companies that are based in the us and have offshore software engineering teams.

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Techmango Technology Services is primarily engaged in the technology sector, is headquartered in the United States with offices in Atlanta and New York, and has offshore software engineering teams in India.


OSI is a technology company focused on healthcare-related custom software development, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and has an office in Sofia, Bulgaria, indicating the presence of offshore software engineering teams.

FieldEquip is a technology company that offers field service management software, which places it in the technology sector. The company is headquartered in the United States, as indicated by the background of its founder and CEO, Prat Gupta, who has extensive experience in the US tech industry. Additionally, the company has offshore software engineering teams, as evidenced by Shivpal Kaundal's experience working with offshore development teams in North America, Europe, and India.

Precocity is primarily engaged in the technology sector, offering services such as cloud and software engineering, data science, and web and mobile development. The company is headquartered in Richardson, Texas, which is in the United States. Additionally, Precocity offers onshore, nearshore, and offshore sourcing, indicating that they have offshore software engineering teams.

TechTeems is a technology company based in the US (Austin, TX) and offers offshore software engineering teams in APAC and EMEA.

SafeSend is a technology company that provides tax workflow automation solutions, which places it in the technology sector. The company is based in the United States, as evidenced by the presence of employees with significant roles and experience in the US. Additionally, the company has an offshore software engineering team, as indicated by the role of Sachin Patwardhan, who is responsible for the SafeSend India Development Center (IDC).


Ceremorphic is a technology company engaged in high-performance AI training supercomputing and other advanced technologies. The company is headquartered in the United States, as evidenced by the presence of key employees with significant experience in the US technology sector. Additionally, several employees have extensive experience in engineering and technical management roles in India, suggesting the presence of offshore software engineering teams.


Superstruct is a technology company based in Los Angeles, USA, and it offers services for recruiting, vetting, onboarding, and managing remote engineers, indicating the presence of offshore software engineering teams.


Distillery is a technology company headquartered in Manhattan Beach, CA, which is in the United States. The company offers nearshore software development services and has a global network of professionals, indicating the presence of offshore software engineering teams.

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