Find companies with indian founders

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The company Affle has multiple founders of Indian origin, including Anuj Khanna Sohum and Anuj Kumar, who have significant ties to India through their education and professional experience.


The company Automation & Validation Solutions has a co-founder and managing partner, Partha Mukherjee, who graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, India, indicating he is of Indian origin.


The company Arrcus has multiple founders and key executives of Indian origin, including Keyur Patel (Founder and CTO), Shekar Ayyar (Chairman and CEO), and Vas Ketavarapu (VP of Customer Engineering).


The company Tilt has founders with names that are commonly associated with Indian nationality or origin: Daksh Shah, Deepak VS, and Rachit Parikh. Additionally, the company is based in India and serves Indian campuses, which further supports the likelihood that the founders are of Indian origin.


The company has multiple employees with Indian names, specifically Amol Desai, Apoorva Bhide, Inderpal Singh, and Monica Singh, suggesting they may be of Indian origin.


Aurora Capital Partners has Ranjeet Banerjee, CEO of Cold Chain Technologies, who holds a degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, indicating Indian origin.


Dr. K. H. Gharda, the Chairman and Managing Director of Gharda Chemicals, has been honored with the Padma Shri by the Government of India and has founded the Gharda Foundation, indicating that he is of Indian nationality or origin.


The company RPG Group has several key executives and founders of Indian nationality or origin, including Harsh Goenka, Anant Goenka, and others.

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