Distributed lab

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Cybera operates an Applied Data Science Lab for Economic Development, which pairs emerging data scientists with local businesses for long-term data science projects. This indicates that Cybera operates a research or development lab. Additionally, Cybera provides free cloud computing resources and operates Alberta's Research & Education Network, which connects researchers globally, suggesting involvement in distributed systems or computing.

Nth Generation operates Nth Labs, a state-of-the-art center for technology evaluation and demonstration, and engages in services related to distributed systems such as hybrid cloud, edge computing, and hyperconverged infrastructure.

Adaptive Computing is involved in distributed computing through its TORQUE Resource Manager and other HPC solutions, and it provides services to government research labs, which implies it operates in a research and development capacity.

Radix Labs operates a platform that links hardware, software, and people in a lab, which involves elements of distributed systems. Additionally, the company operates in a lab environment, focusing on research and development in the healthcare diagnostics industry.

Wind River provides a Virtual Lab for hardware simulation and is involved in the development of distributed systems through its Wind River Studio platform for intelligent edge systems.

Astera Labs is involved in providing semiconductor-based connectivity solutions for AI and cloud infrastructure, which can be related to distributed systems. Additionally, they operate a Cloud-Scale Interop Lab for rigorous testing of their products.

Quantum Ventura operates QuantumX Research Labs, which undertakes R&D services in advanced technology solutions, and is involved in fields such as HPC-driven Big Data Analytics, which can be related to distributed systems.

Utilidata is involved in distributed systems through its Karman platform, which is a distributed AI platform designed for grid operations. Additionally, Utilidata operates an innovation lab in Ann Arbor, MI.

Orgenesis operates Mobile Processing Units and Labs™ (OMPUL™) which are fully integrated, closed loop all-in-one bioprocessing units, indicating involvement in distributed systems. Additionally, the company has development and service centers and collaborates with global academia, research, and hospital partners, suggesting it operates a research or development lab.

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