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Platzi Company Information

Platzi operates within the education industry, specifically targeting advanced skills in design, marketing, and programming. Founded as part of Y Combinator’s W15 batch, Platzi has grown to employ 300 individuals and has established multiple locations including San Francisco, Santiago, Mexico City, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Bogotá, and Lima, while also offering fully remote learning opportunities. The company is recognized as Latin America’s School of Technology and aims to be the professional home for lifelong learning. It serves a diverse student base from regions such as the United States, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, and broader areas of America, Canada, Latin America, and Europe. Platzi’s educational approach includes real-time collaboration among students and industry leaders, which contributes to its high course completion rate.

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Companies similar to Platzi

Kurios is an educational company based in Lima, Peru, offering cohort-based online courses for professionals in Latin America, focusing on digital skills like product management, growth, and data analytics.

Coderhouse is an educational company based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, offering live online courses in various fields including programming and design. The company provides intensive career tracks, career services, and a money-back job guarantee, serving students in Argentina, Latin America, and remotely.

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